webpage assignment

Friday, September 10, 2010

Enigma (sixthe sense clip)

Shaun Mayberry
The sixth sense (FILM-SCENE)
Enigma assignment #3
                Question: The question in the ‘Sixth Sense’ is all about the boy’s gift (subject, theme). The promise to answer: The scene is seen in the ‘shot over shot dialogue.’ The Fraud: the ‘fraud’ is seen when the boy says “you know that wreck up there… a lady died,” and the mother responds “How do you know? Can you see her?” The Equivocation: the equivocations is seen when the boy talks about his grandmother who has died. The Suspended answer: the suspended answer is see when the boy tries to explain what has been wrong with him. As a more in-depth look, the suspended answer comes to play when the boy’s mother tells him “Grandma’s dead, you know that.” The mother is ignoring the boy’s problem, thus suspended the answer. A partial answer is shown when the boy translates a story that his dead grandmother told to his mother about her dance recital. The disclosure of the scene comes to play when the story is over and the mother accepts her son has a problem. When the story about her dead mother and the recital is true, they decide to hug to show a feeling of remorse and acceptance.
PROAIRETIC CODE (ACT): The action in the scene is when the dead lady in the car crash stands at the boy’s window and then walks away. Also another action is shown when the women cries to the boy’s story about her dead mother.
SYMBOLIC CODE (SYM): The grief and remorse of the women from the little boy’s story about his grandma
CULTURAL CODE: The women’s wedding ring represents marriage and the dead women’s bicycle helmet represents safety (ironically). The amount of cop cars sends a sense of emergency and shows that some kind of an accident has occurred. The cop’s uniform, shows the viewer that there is an emergency. Also the flare at the beginning of the clip represents an accident has occurred.  

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